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VMISA-e | Mercuri India Sales Academy – Virtual – Evening Courses.
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Thank you for your interest in Mercuri India Sales Academy – Virtual - VMISA. Our world class Open Courses for Sales Professionals are designed to impart Sales Training in truly engaging style that Mercuri India is reputed for. When you opt for VMISA, you get the best Instructor Led Online Sales Training experience, without the hassles of travel, and the compulsion of having to absent oneself from day to day sales activity.
VMISA Courses are scheduled on a demand basis. Course schedules are announced as and when we have sufficient nominations for an effective sales learning experience. The upcoming course schedules are seen below. Please fill in the nomination forms in the respective open course pages with details of people you want to nominate. If these dates do not work for you, fill in the nomination form, and we will get back to you to schedule a course that suits our mutual convenience. Let's make sales happen!
For any queries, please reach Mary on 080-25201437, or write to her at