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'Challenge AND Support' has been the mantra of Sales Managers who have steered their Teams to remarkable Sales Performances! Veteran Sales Leaders will tell you it takes extraordinary skills to be good at both.. Challenge and Support! How have they cracked that code? How can you equip your Sales Managers to excel at these seemingly contradictory capabilities? What value add do your Sales Teams expect from their Managers? And, with a pletora of career options opening up in the new world, do Sales People anymore tolerate Managers who can't add value?
Customers have become so digital savvy, they seem to need your Sales People less and less. As engagement processes and platforms continuously change for the Sales Person, your Sales Leaders are having to do much more, and do much better! So, what are the new skills and strategies for Sales Managers to remain relevant in this new era? What's changing? What isn't? How should they adapt the unchanging core concepts of Sales Management to this new normal? How can they learn to excel at 'Steering Sales Performance'?
Understanding the structured process of Sales Management | Steering and Managing Sales Performance | Learning the framework to leading Sales Teams for short term and long term results | Developing the Sales Technique and Persona that succeeds in physical and virtual platforms... Use of Platforms and Tools - Precision, Purpose and Positioning.
Learning to lead Sales Teams effectively in the new world.
Developing Sales Management Process and Skills
This learning journey begins with rigorous prework, before participants attend the much sought after 2 Day Mercuri India Instructor Led Physical Class. Following the class are action plans and reviews that help deepen the learning further!
Anyone involved in Sales Management and having People Responsibility
Developing the ability to manage sales activity and process for todays results, AND develop people capabilities for tomorrows performance.
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