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Tom is a sales engineer working with a British company that makes ferrite components in collaboration with a Japanese company. Mr. Kanayama GM Marketing of the collaborator is visiting Britain and has taken Tom along to make visits in the market. Most of the communication happened through a translator so words exchanged were only a few.
Tom asked Kanayama:- “How often does your sales engineer in Japan visit his or her ’A’ type of Customers?” Kanayama’s reply was “Once a day in most cases but twice a day for some”. Tom was very surprised. If he could manage once a week he was happy! So he asked “But what can be done meaningfully by meeting twice a day!!” Kanayama told him ‘depending on present status, competitor and strategic effort plan’. What did he mean?
During Sales & Marketing conference of an Industrial consumables firm Sales and Sales Admin are blaming each other about loss of Customers as in rebuy. Salespeople say that Customers complain of too many failures and no satisfactory response from the Sales Administration. Sales Admin people say they know for sure that their performance on delivery and quality issues is better than the competitor and it is the salespeople who do not work to a plan to retain existing Customers. Which side are you on and why?
Ashok is Marketing executive with PET bottles manufacturer, looking after food and beverages sector. His Customers are medium sized companies with products such as sauce, jam, pickles, and so on. His share with many long standing Customers is under threat due to intense competition. He has just explained to his boss what his strategic plans are with 5 most important Customer firms. The boss made a comment that he sees the strategic result objectives but no strategic effort objectives. Ashok was perplexed and asked - what is a strategic effort objective? Can you explain?
Some B2B industries have Customers buying one-off only. Other B2B industries have a Customer buying continuously. The title question of this article applies to the latter. Further, if the Customer purchase is very large (currently or potentially) it calls for Key Account Management and that is a different topic than this article.
There are many firms wherein each Customer may account for say 3% to 5% of total sales for each given salesperson and typically each of these Customers works with one year time horizon splitting the total purchase between suppliers. Average figure of such Customers per salesperson is about 10, which could be more in case Customers are much smaller. In such cases main thing is to defend today’s volume from buying Customers, ensure no loss of Customers and inch towards better share with each Customer.
It is true that both sales and service quality of a firm decide how inclined the Customer would be for rebuying from his existing supplier. Generally, purchasers do not switch to other supplier immediately upon one service failure.
Salespeople on the other hand have to strategize and fight for rebuy share with each Customer. This is a matter of looking for increase in impact of sales strategy with respect to 4 key aspects.
Four key aspects for increasing impact of strategic sales work
Given below are a ready-made bank of options in putting these elements to work. Done diligently, these action options are sure to get your existing Customers come back to you in enough numbers.
Knowing and analyzing our present status with each Customer
Decide 5 to 8 most important knowledge areas [E]out of following possible areas. Use that list to assess each Customer.
Knowing and analyzing our present way of working with the Customer
Decide 5 to 8 most important knowledge areas [E]out of following possible areas. Use that list to assess each Customer.
There are a number of tasks that one has to carry out or coordinate on the way to reach what is being aimed at. Write out your aim well first. Articulation of aim makes it easier to select activities and decide how to carry them out. An example of an aim:- "To increase our sales value (for this Customer) to 1,000,000 per year @ 40% share for us 60% being shared by two other suppliers”.
This can lead to good strategic results to be achieved and strategic improvements to be made. Such strategy statements serve to give different activities that you can think of intuitively, a common direction.
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The Company makes dies & punches for SME Customers, and enjoys good reputation, thanks to a large All India Field Salesforce that’s assiduously worked hard & well in various markets over last 10 years.
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A medium sized company (SME) wants to avail of the services of a facility management company to help use its IT infrastructure better for 15 IT related tasks that it has listed.
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