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Become buyer obsessed for B2B sales success
Who does this describe? – ‘Uncertain, stressed and anxious?’. That’s an easy one, you would say – A salesperson on his first call. Don’t the buyers have it all? They are so well informed and so precisely aware of their needs that they do not engage with the salesperson until the last mile of their purchase journey. 67 percent of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally, says the famously quoted Sirius-Decision statistic.
But wait. Here is a surprise. The truth, in fact, is quite the opposite, suggest Nicholas Toman, Brent Adamson and Cristina Gomez, in a just published Harvard Business Review article The New Sales Imperative (HBR March – April 2017). Presenting a counter-intuitive perspective, they cite CEB research to show that buyers, especially those in B2B segment, are anything but self-assured. “Deeply uncertain… stressed …increasingly overwhelmed… often more paralyzed than empowered” is how the buyers feel, the article says.
What explains this dramatic finding? For one thing, buying complex solutions required in a B2B context was never easy. To this challenge, you add the staggering cache of information to process, the multiplicity of stakeholders to manage and the ever-increasing number of options to choose from. What you have is a near nightmare that slows down the purchase process or stalls it altogether.
CEB Research findings
Where does this leave the sales function? Consider some interesting findings from CEB research that the authors quote:
The picture that emerges is one of customer’s struggling with their buying process
‘Responsive’ is passe: ‘Prescriptive’ is in
How can sellers help then? The authors suggest a ‘prescriptive’, rather than a ‘responsive’ approach to selling which improves ease of purchasing by as much as 86%, according to them. They define the prescriptive approach like this: “Prescriptive suppliers give a clear recommendation for action backed by specific rationale; they present a concise offering and a stable view of their capabilities; and they explain complex aspects of the purchase process clearly”. This helps anticipate and eliminate obstacles early on, conserving buyer time and energy
What it involves
This will involve the following actions
Two critical enablers
For a supplier to be able to implement this approach, will call for two critical ‘enablers’. First, sales should reorient their focus from getting Customers to buy to understanding how Customers make their purchase decisions. Second, a tight alignment of sales and marketing to support the Customer’s purchase journey, end to end
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Read moreYou are in negotiations to land that one large year-end deal. With that sale in your pocket, you will sail past your annual sales target by a big margin. And your bonus will double. Then comes the bad news...
Read moreFear, it is said, is a negative kind of wish. And to the salesperson nightmare is a word that begins with an ‘O’. Don’t we all wish for smooth-as-breeze sales with no objections? But let’s borrow the buyer’s hat for a minute.
Read moreSpeaking of forecasts, anyone with some vintage in sales would relate to those “awful 48 hours” that Mathew Bellows talks about in his article Stop Guesstimating Your Sales Forecasts in Harvard Business Review May 17, 2012
Read moreThe challenge with world’s favorite questions is that they have no definitive answers. And everybody claims to have one. Yet every now and then, someone undertakes brave new research that attempts to come up with serious answers.
Read moreIn the beginning was the Word, declare the scriptures. But in the holy book of sales, in the beginning was Awareness. And with it, someone who went by the dark-sounding description of Suspect.
Read moreIf there existed a holy grail of B2B sales, it would reveal the secret of what it takes to get procurement to sign the purchase order.
Read moreTransactional hiring and training doesn’t seem to cut it When it comes to training spend, sales trainings get a bonanza.
Read moreWhat would you give to learn the one thing that swings sales deals? If you are willing to wager your year’s bonus on it, hang on. Because it is not one thing really, but six things according to research findings shared in an article published in Harvard Business Review (June 23, 2017).
Read moreFacts are stubborn”, declared Mark Twain, adding in the same breath “statistics are more pliable” And that includes sales statistics, he should have said. Consider this notorious nugget, quoted ad nauseum in sales meetings
Read moreThe question pops up amidst tinkling of glasses, minutes after your first drink at a social event. No, you get ready to explain, I am not in sales, I am in Production Engineering.
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