At Mercuri India, we understand Customer needs and what it takes to meet and exceed them across touch-points. We also understand what motivates Sales & Service people as they work towards their functional and Customer Relationship Management objectives.

Over decades of Sales Training and Service Training, we know what drives their learning and how. We know that better than anyone else because every Mercuri Consultant wears three hats – Consultant, Trainer & Salesperson. So, to empathize and connect with Sales & Service people and their leadership, comes to us naturally. Our rich and wide portfolio of ‘know-how blocks’ include the following critical processes & skills that enable Sales & Service People to be effective. Keep ticking the boxes which you think are important for your People:


Sales Process

Service Process


Sales Skills

Service Skills

The feedback and recognition we receive from our Clients, across a wide range of industries, energizes us to continuously exceed their expectations of us, keeping Mercuri among the Top 20 Sales Training Companies worldwide.

Just tick the boxes above to indicate process & skill development priorities towards Sales & Service Competency Development, for your Organization. A Mercuri Consultant will be glad to discuss with you to understand what you need and what you want, and then tailor a bespoke solution for you.

Check out our ability to deliver bespoke solutions across related domains that take your sales to a higher level :