Sales in Future

A look at new emerging ideas, trends and practices

AI: An insider view of what it could mean for sales 

Here is a ‘no-prizes-for-guessing it-right’ question. What was the most talked about topic of 2023? 

Regardless of which industry or business you come from, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was a theme that dominated media debates and private conversations with a mixture of hope and fear 

What could it mean for Sales and Sales Professionals? While it is impossible even for AI Professionals and experts to come up with definitive answers to that question, we decode some broad, overarching trends from 130 Page Mercuri International’s research report on AI Driven Marketing  by Henrik Larsson-Broman, Mercuri International Research AB and Peter Siljerud

Select Insights 

  • 1. We often use Artificial Intelligence (AI) everyday without realising it  – We use AI more often than we realise, in our daily lives. “Every time you use your fingerprint or FaceID to unlock your phone, you are using AI. Every time you use Facebook or Instagram, the ads you see are adapted based on AI. When you click on a Credit Card Payment link, your card detail is checked with AI to detect any misuse” says the report. 

“In simple terms, it can be described as a machine’s ability to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as problem solving, learning and decision making

  • 2. AI can create great opportunities in B2B sales (i) By crunching data to personalise offerings (ii) Automating repetitive sales processes (iii) Cutting costs and improving Customer experience but …  That will require investments in software, skills development and new ways of working
  1. 3. Market analysis will improve vastly with AI, enabling better targeted sales campaigns and selling 

AI can elicit answers for difficult questions such as: 

  • How big is the market for our target group? 
  • How does our company and/or our products/services differ from our competitors? 
  • What are our strengths and weaknesses?
  • Who are our potential customers? 
  • What is the buying behavior of our customers? And more!
  1. 4. With AI support it will be possible to generate more accurate Ideal Customer Profiles 

This will mean an ability to develop a Customer profile that describes in detail the characteristics of the types of companies and decision-makers we should target with our sales and marketing

  1. 5. Creating pitch collaterals will be a lot easier and more creative with AI assistance 

Presentations, videos and other collaterals needed for the pitch can be created much faster and with greater creativity even if the salesperson is neither skilled or creative in developing collaterals 

  1. 6. AI powered chatbots and algorithms will take over the mundane parts of the Sales Process 

This will free up the Sales Professional’s time to add greater value to Customers but will also raise Customer expectations on the quality of advisory and consultative support that salespeople provide 

  • 7. AI can assist in generating, engaging with, qualifying, scoring and nurturing leads 

In B2B, AI driven lead qualification and lead scoring can enasure that leads are prioritized in such a way that relationship managers invest their time and focus on the most profitable and potentially successful leads

  1. 8. Measuring and analysing Customer satisfaction will be faster, easier and more accurate with AI help 

For example, with AI, companies can create more sophisticated surveys, analyze data faster, and gain real-time insights into customer satisfaction.

What does it all mean for Sales People and Companies? 

The report sums it up this way – “… getting started with AI can be perceived as difficult. But there are ways to facilitate the process. For the employee who wants to get started quickly, it’s all about experimentation and testing, while for a company that wants to make AI a business strategy, it’s about carefully setting goals, strategies and planning to implement AI as effectively as possible in the company”

You can access the report and a host of other AI related resources here

“Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life”

– Seneca –

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