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Live it to learn it! Celemi Apples & Oranges brings Business Acumen to life through its simple, profound model of a company – A&O Inc. After experiencing how VALUE circulates through a company, participants may never look at Business Finance the same way again.
Participants form the incoming management team of A & O Inc. The established company is facing some tough challenges. The company is losing market share and there are increasing demands from suppliers and Customers. A & O Inc. needs a new, disciplined financial strategy. The participants in teams have to make that change happen. They will live it, to learn it!
CELEMI is all about getting people to 'live it to learn it'! Participants from all functions and with varying levels of experience, hone their Business Acumen, as they learn how to monitor cash flow, make resource utilization improvements, and measure results on the balance sheet and income statement. Acquiring basics of Financial Literacy, participants will :
Companies using Celemi Apples & Oranges can benefit by getting everyone to think and act like business owners, as they build a shared baseline understanding of concepts in Financial Management. Through this business simulation, Companies get their people in general and Cross Functional Teams in particular, to internalize how their business generates profits today, how it will need to generate profits in the future, how their daily decisions impact the company strategically and financially and how to continuously identify & encash on improvement opportunities.
Celemi Apples & Oranges benefits employees at all levels within the organization. Finance people develop deeper insights as they reflect on their Financial Decision Making styles, learning from diverse perspectives of their non-finance colleagues. As a Cross Functional Training tool, this business simulation helps Project Teams perform better when they gain such shared understanding.
This Business Simulation is a perfect fit for a ‘Finance for Non–Finance’ Training Program. People from non-finance functions learn hands-on the Basics of Finance - particularly cash flow. They realize how their day-to-day decisions like product pricing & discounting impact bottom line earnings and shareholder value over time. Anyone who influences the companies’ financial and strategic decisions gets better.
Running - Celemi Apples & Oranges requires top-notch facilitation skills, rich business understanding, strategic thinking & swift execution skills. Consultants from Mercuri India fit the bill brilliantly, as they come with rich hands-on business experience & the learning rigor that comes with running this simulation for Clients from a wide range of industries and geographies.
Celemi Enterprise
How do you get your people behind your Business Strategy in a marketplace that is rapidly changing?
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In this Business Simulation, six capital-intensive companies compete for Customers in a highly competitive, rapidly changing marketplace.
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In the Celemi Livon business simulation, participants play Management Teams of four different retailers, who are all over the place, going after the same Customers.
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It takes two to tango. In the case of a Knowledge Company, it is the chemistry between Customers and People that makes the music.
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The world is changing fast.. new markets, new technologies. To stay ahead you need to innovate. The Medici Game is a Celemi PowerdialogueTM on innovation.
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When the going gets tough, the tough get going.. because they see possibilities where others see obstacles.
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